
Diwali: Festival of the Lights

3D02AC55-C7F7-4A67-BDF3-C60E7F375DF4F76A3F40-2231-4BC4-9831-E8ED5BDDBE0AB1970F5E-CC23-4078-B27E-7BE65A77542CImage-1 (1)Diwali , a festival to celebrate the victory of good over evil, light over darkness, is one of the most popular celebrations in India.

The Festival of Lights includes fireworks, food, gifts, colored sand and special clay lamps.

This year, at our centers, we choose to celebrate Diwali Day with our children, learning about the world and the festivals around it encourages our children to become Global Kids. They had a lot of fun with Indian music, doing arts and crafts, they loved to try the Indian cake and cookies.


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World Science Day for Peace and Development, 10 November

BB850DD0-56EC-46B2-A61E-597321417B82 4ADEC9CF-B40A-45BA-A679-3C34F20869764ADEC9CF-B40A-45BA-A679-3C34F2086976This week we celebrate the World Science Day for Peace and Development, our centers became a large science laboratory and our children became little scientists, they had fun and learned a lot 
by carrying out different experiments.
When we do Science experiments we provide children with opportunities to practice and develop 
many different attributes and skills. 
These include perseverance and team working, collaborative skills,communication skills, reasoning and problem-solving skills.

tiny totstoddler roomMontessoriECCE ROOMbaby room science week  Afterschool baby room science week ECCE ROOM Montessori tiny tots toddler room

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Beep Beep Day 2020

We had a really fun day practicing basic road safety skills. 
We learned to cross the street, 
we saw the traffic signs and how to drive safely.
Learning good road safety habits at 
an early age is vitally important.

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World Mental Health Day

Today is World Mental Health Day.

Mental health is very important at every stage of life, it includes our psychological, social well-being and emotional,  but we don’t always take care of our mind like we take care of our body. So to celebrate this day and remember the importance of taking care of our mental health and the mental health of the people around us yesterday in our centers we had a moment of relaxation and meditation for all our staff during the break. Besides this moment we also exchanged gifts and shared affectionate words with each other and we drank a delicious hot chocolate with cookies.IMG_3085



“Give Yourself the same care and attention that you give to others and watch yourself bloom.”


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Culture Day

8787img children with staff culture day culture day glasnevin parents w childrenCulture DayIn the month of September we had a fun packed Multicultural Party at our crèches. During the party we listened to music, we danced, played, we tried different foods and learned about different cultures around the world, we enjoyed dressing in clothes from our home countries too.

Knowing this cultural diversity from early age is very important for us to become more open, empathic, educated and informed adults. Knowing different cultures bring to the little ones 6 important benefits: Broadens the worldview, Stimulates creativity, Arouses Curiosity, Provides contact with diversity, develops empathy, Rescues the past and collaborates with understanding the present.

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