We are all eagerly awaiting the upcoming ceremonies as our Montessori Classes get ready to put their best feet forward and leave our care ready for “Big” school. Parents and families can join us for the graduation ceremony on the dates shown…….
As you may be aware the Department of Education has introduced inspections of preschool services taking part in the ECCE program. To quote from the department’s web page:-
“During these inspections, we evaluate the quality of the nature, range and appropriateness of the early educational experiences for children participating in the ECCE Programme. The main activity of an EYEI inspection is the observation, by the inspector, of the processes and practices relating to children’s learning in one or more learning rooms or areas in the early-years setting”
The inspections are carried out under four headings, there are :-
-Context to support children’s learning and development.
-Quality of processes to support children’s learning and development.
-Quality of children’s learning experience and achievements
-Management & Leadership
We are very pleased and proud to announce that we have been awarded “Excellent”, the highest award possible, in each of the four headings inspected. A big thank you to all staff involved in designing and implementing our “Step Ahead” curriculum.
Construction of our new facility in Glasnevin is progressing nicely. The photos below show some of the work being carried out.
We are currently on schedule for our planned opening on 1st September. Click “read more” to view images.
Heavy work
To top it all, a roof garden
Halloween mid-term is fast approaching, during this week Hyde & Seek Afterschool club will be running a ‘Spooktacular Halloween Camp’ from Tuesday 1st of October to Friday 4th of November. Full/part-day camp places are available for ages 3 years – 12 years. This camp is also available to children who are not currently attending Hyde & Seek but would like to take part in the camp. If you dare to join us for some spooky fun this Halloween you can call us on 01 8040140 or email info@hydeandseek.ie for more information.
We have fangtastic activities organised such as:
-Halloween fun activities & games (indoors & outdoors)
-Halloween themed arts & crafts
-Baking ghoulish treats
-Spooky fun day trips
-Fancy dress disco and lots more spine-chilling fun!