Today’s your day, Dad. Enjoy your day! We prepare this video for you to know how much we love you!
Today’s your day, Dad. Enjoy your day! We prepare this video for you to know how much we love you!
During the month of May we worked with the theme science through play.
Our children had the opportunity to do different scientific experiments and observe different events in the Nature. We mixed ingredients and made lava, created our own paint, watched the water turn to ice and then the ice melted, we put seeds in water, vinegar and honey and watched where the seed would sink or float. We also observed the growth of spring onions, beans and carrots among other things, and this was a way to sharpen our curiosity, and attention.
During Ramadan, Muslims quickly purify themselves and approach God. Ramadan is like a retreat; a time to put aside all worldly concerns and focus on spirituality and improve the connection with the One who is believed to have given life and all blessings to Muslims. After a long spiritual retreat, a party is held to mark the end of the month. This is all that Eid ul Fitr is.
Muslims congratulate each other by saying “Eid Mubarak”, which means “Have a blessed Eid”.
As part of our cultural learning we were able to exchange with our children and families a little bit of this culture. Thank you to all the families who share some of their traditional clothes and typical foods.
Cinco de Mayo commemorates the Mexican Army’s over the French at the Battle of Puebla in 1862. In Mexico, it is not celebrated nationally but only in Puebla. Cinco de Mayo is not Mexico’s independence day like many people assume but Cinco de Mayo provides a great opportunity to educate children about “real” Mexican culture, traditions and foods.
We choose this date for have many fun with the kids, we try Mexican games, dance some Mexican songs and we played maracas, we also enjoyed to tried Mexican foods.
Maybe you can only see children putting buttons on laces, but we can see children improving their fine motor skills, concentration and precision. All this using only laces and buttons.